Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) is a business sector that deals with computing, including hardware, software, telecommunications and generally anything involved in the transmittal of information or the systems that facilitate communication.

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IT Infrastructure management includes the management of IT policies and processes, along with the equipment, data, human resources and external contacts (such as vendors or security organizations) needed to ensure that IT operations run smoothly and efficiently.


Active networking is a communication pattern that allows packets flowing through a telecommunications network to dynamically modify the operation of the network.

Active network architecture is composed of execution environments, It also consists of active hardware, capable of routing or switching as well as executing code within active packets. Network processors are one means of implementing active networking concepts. Active networks have also been implemented as overlay networks.

Passive networking hardware are those parts of computer network that are involved in data transmission in the network, but they don’t change or affect the data.

The passive network hardware includes:

Cables (fiber optic cable, coaxial cables), Connectors, Switchboards, Clutches, Plugs etc.

Wi-Fi Solutions

Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smart phones and wearables), and other equipment (printers and video cameras) to interface with the Internet.

Enterprise-level connections use slightly different protocols and management methods than consumer networks, and the equipment is able to support larger loads without suffering from dropped signals or tapering off into dead zones.


Backup and recovery describe the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. This is sometimes referred to as operational recovery.

Data restore is the process of copying backup data from secondary storage and restoring it to its original location or a new location. A restore is performed to return data that has been lost, stolen or damaged to its original condition or to move data to a new location.


The function of Switching is to switch data packets between devices on the same network (or same LAN – Local Area Network). The function of Routing is to Route packets between different networks (between different LANs – Local Area Networks).


A LAN, abbreviated from Local Area Network, is a network that covers a small geographical area such as homes, offices, and groups of buildings.
Whereas a WAN, abbreviated from Wide Area Network, is a network that covers larger geographical areas that can span the globe.